Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

Proceedings TOUGH Workshop ’95

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Berkeley, California
March 20–22, 1995


  • Arens, G., L. Höglund, M. Wiborgh, Requirements on sealing measures due to gas production, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Antúnez, E., M. Lippmann, M.A. Khan, T. Boardman, Simulation of the Heber geothermal field, a TOUGH2/PC application, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Antúnez, E., K. Pruess, G. Moridis, Use of TOUGH2 on small computers, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Battistelli, A., C. Calore, K. Pruess, Vapor pressure lowering effects due to salinity and suction pressure in the depletion of vapor-dominated geothermal reservoirs, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Betz, C., M. Emmert, A. Färber, R. Helmig, V. Kaleris, H. Kobus, Soil remediation by heat injection: Experiments and numerical modelling, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Bodvarsoon, G.S., G. Chen, C. Haukwa, E. Kwicklis, The use of TOUGH2 for the LBL/USGS 3-dimensional site-scale model of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Bullivant, D.P., M.J. O’Sullivan, Z. Yang, Experiences using multigrid for geothermal, simulation, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Christian-Frear, T.L., S.W. Webb, Modification and application of TOUGH2 as a variabledensity, saturated-flow code and comparison to SWIFT II results, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • De la Torre Vega, E., M.C. Suárez Arriaga, DIOMRES(k,m): An efficient method based on Krylov subspaces to solve big, dispersed, unsymmetrical linear systems, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Doughty, C., Flow reduction due to degassing and redissolution phenomena, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Eugster, S., R.K. Senger, Investigation of potential water inflow into a ventilated tunnel of the proposed low/intermediate-level waste repository in Switzerland, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Falta, R.W., S.E. Brame, Numerical simulation of in-situ DNAPL remediation by alcohol flooding, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Finsterle, S., K. Pruess, ITOUGH2: Solving TOUGH inverse problems, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Finsterle, S., K. Pruess, Using simulation-optimization techniques to improve multiphase aquifer remediation, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Freeze, G.A., K.W. Larson, P.B. Davies, S.W. Webb, Using TOUGH2 to model the coupled effects of gas generation, repository consolidation, and multiphase brine and gas flow at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Piepho, M. G. Preliminary analysis of Tank 241-C-106 dryout due to large postulated leak and vaporization, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Hadgu, T., R.W. Zimmerman, G.S. Bodvarsson, Coupling of the reservoir simulator TOUGH2 and the wellbore simulator WFSA, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Ho, C.K., Assessing alternative conceptual models of fracture flow, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Ho, C.K., Numerical simulations of multicomponent evaporation and gas-phase transport using M2NOTS, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Javeri, V., Analysis of nuclide transport under natural convection and time dependent boundary condition using TOUGH2, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Kidd, E.M., Energy Science and Technology Software Center, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Kovscek, A.R., T.W. Patzek, C.J. Radke,, FOAM3D: A numerical simulator for mechanistic prediction of foam displacement in multidimensions, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Kwicklis, E.M., R.W. Healy, G.S. Bodvarsson, N. Lu, Application of TOUGH to hydrologic problems related to the unsaturated zone site investigation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Lefebvre, R., Modeling acid mine drainage in waste rock dumps, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Lupo, M.J., G.J. Moridis, Predicting the distribution of contamination from a chlorinated hydrocarbon release, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Manai, T., EVEGAS Project, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • McCray, J., R.W. Falta, Air sparging for subsurface remediation: Numerical analysis using T2VOC, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • McPherson, B., J. Bredehoeft, Analysis of over-pressure mechanisms in the Uinta Basin, Utah, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Menzies, A.J., J.L. Forth, Modeling the response of the geothermal system at Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea to mine dewatering, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Montazer, P., AIR-TOUGH: A fully 3-dimensional linking of atmosphere with soil using eddy diffusivity concept and V-TOUGH, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Moridis, G.J., A new set of direct and iterative solvers for the TOUGH2 family of codes, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Moridis, G.J., K. Pruess, Air barriers for waste containment in the subsurface , Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Moya, S.L., E.R. Iglesias, Numerical simulation of carbon dioxide effects in geothermal reservoirs, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • O’Sullivan, M.J., D.P. Bullivant, A graphical interface to the TOUGH2 family of flow simulators, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Oldenburg, C.M., R.L. Hinkins, G.J. Moridis, K. Pruess, On the development of MP-TOUGH2, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Oldenburg, C.M., K. Pruess, Strongly coupled single-phase flow problems: Effects of density variation, hydrodynamic dispersion, and first order decay, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Pantanzidou, M., LNAPL infiltration in the vadose zone: Comparisons of physical and numerical simulations, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Poppei, J., D. Fischer, Prognostic simulation of reinjection—research project geothermal site Neustadt-Glewe/Germany, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Pruess, K., E. Antúnez, Applications of TOUGH2 to infiltration of liquids in media with strong heterogeneity, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Reeves, M., S. Lingineni, Drift-scale thermo-hydrologic analyses for the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain, NV, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Sato, T., T. Okabe, K. Osato, S. Takasugi, Graphical user interface for TOUGH/TOUGH2—Development of database, pre-processor, and postprocessor, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Seneviratne, A., A.N. Findikakis, The effect of vadose zone heterogeneities on vapor phase migration and aquifer contamination by volatile organics, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Shan, C., Verification of T2VOC using an analytical solution for VOC transport in vadose zone, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Suárez A., M.C., F. Samaniego V., Triple-porosity/permeability flow in faulted geothermal reservoirs: Two-dimensional effects, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Todesco, M., Modeling of geothermal circulation applied to active volcanic areas—the case of Vulcano (Italy), Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Webb, S.W., K.W. Lason, The effect of stratigraphic dip on multiphase flow at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Webb, S.W., K.W. Larson, G.A. Freeze, T.L. Christian-Frear, Summary of applications of TOUGH2 to the evaluation of multiphase processes at the WIPP, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Webb, S.W., J.M. Phelan, Prediction of single-component NAPL behavior for the TEVES project using T2VOC, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Webb, S.W., J.C. Stormont, Modeling of capillary barriers and comparison to data, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Weir, G.J., S.P. White, W.M. Kissling, Reservoir storage and containment of greenhouse gases, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Witherspoon, P.A., P. Fuller, S. Finsterle, Three-dimensional multiphase effects in aquifer gas storage, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Xiang, Y., S. Mishra, B. Dunlap, Parametric analysis of a TOUGH2 model for the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)
  • Zimmerman, R.W., T. Hadgu, G.S. Bodvarsson, A new lumped-parameter approach to simulating flow processes in unsaturated dual-porosity media, Proceedings of TOUGH Workshop 1995, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, March 20–22, 1995. (pdf)