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- Ask questions, provide answers, share tips, and make suggestions at the TOUGH User Forum!
- For questions related to PetraSim, please use the RockWare Discussion Group.
- Consult the list of Frequently Asked Questions.
- Consult the list of TOUGH Issues.
- Consult the list of BUGS and FIXES.
- Consult Historical Overview of TOUGH Simulators.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the Developer Team.
TOUGH Tips & Tricks
- For Windows 10, use Ubuntu terminal: Installation File, READ ME File v2 (updated July 2020) (superseded READ ME File v1).
- 0=0 (Karsten Pruess)
- Installing gfortran Under MinGW on a PC (Kyung Jae Kim)
- Alfredo’s Trick Bag (Alfredo Battistelli)
- EXCEL Macros for Creating INCON Files (Ester Maria Vasini)
- Speeding up LINEQ (Martin Navarro)
- Smoother Displacement of Liquid by Gas (Martin Navarro)
- Static Gravity-Capillary Equilibrium using TOUGH2/EOS7C, (zip file) (Curt Oldenburg)
- Gravitational Potential Energy (Curt Oldenburg)
- Defining Equilibrium Gas and Liquid Saturations (Tim Tambach)
- Primary Variables, Variable Switching, Initial and Boundary Conditions (Stefan Finsterle)
- Specifying Atmospheric Boundary Conditions (Stefan Finsterle)
- Choice of Hydraulic Conditions on Horizontal Boundaries in Gas Reservoirs (Clay Cooper)
- Injection at Specified Temperature (Karsten Pruess)
- Modelling Large Geothermal Reservoirs (Grímur Björnsson)
- Modeling Falling Head Boundary Condition (Teamrat Ghezzehei)
- Water Table (Andrea Borgia)
- Presenting 3-D TOUGH2 Output with TECPLOT (Steve White)
- Gravity-Capillary Equilibrium (April James)
- Discrete Fracture Modeling Technique Using TOUGH2 (Keni Zhang)
- GMS-Petrasim-TOUGH2 (Terhi Kling)
- GMS-TOUGH2-GMS (Andrea Borgia)
- Quiz: Constant T Injection; Suppressing BALLA; INCON From Different EOS; Resetting Porosity; Mixed krel Functions for Liquid and Gas (Curt Oldenburg)