Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

TOUGH Symposia


LBNL’s Energy Geosciences Division has been hosting workshops and symposia since 1995 to bring together users of the TOUGH suite of codes for an open exchange on applications and recent code enhancements. The papers presented at these workshops and symposia are available as conference proceedings; extended versions of select papers have been published in special issues of peer-reviewed journals.

The latest symposium on applications and enhancements to the TOUGH codes for multiphase fluid, heat, and chemical transport took place on September 18-20, 2023. 100 attendees gathered at the national laboratory in person to learn from 40 oral and poster presentations delivered by leading experts in the field. TOUGH “short courses” on select TOUGH codes were offered immediately preceding and/or following the symposium.

The purpose of the symposium is to bring together users of the TOUGH family of codes (which includes TOUGH2 (and TOUGH3), iTOUGH2, TMVOC, TOUGHREACT, TOUGH-FLAC, TOUGH+, TOUGH2-MP, and many others) for an open exchange on applications and recent code enhancements. Papers are solicited in all areas of TOUGH applications.

To receive information on the TOUGH Symposium and training courses, please add your name to the TOUGH Email List or email Troy Cortez,