Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

TOUGH Licensing, Pricing, & Ordering

License Agreements

Before downloading licensed TOUGH software, you must execute a license agreement and you may have to pay a license fee. Certain supporting software may be downloaded for free.

Most TOUGH simulators consist of a core module to which process- and fluid-specific Equation-of-State (EOS) modules can be linked. These EOS modules do not run as stand-alone programs; they need to be linked to a core module. Stand-alone simulators can be found under other TOUGH-related software.

For TOUGH3, iTOUGH2 and TOUGHREACT, the user licenses a single package comprising a core module and many related EOS modules that are linked to the core module.

For TOUGH+, the user licenses the core module and one or more EOS modules; EOS modules are not packaged for TOUGH+ (i.e., EOS modules are sold a la carte, and no discount is given for purchasing multiple EOS modules).

Major updates are released as a new package (for TOUGH3, iTOUGH2 and TOUGHREACT) or module (for TOUGH+), and only the latest version of a package or module is available for purchase.

To obtain a license, review the available software packages and modules, license agreements, and prices reported on this website. Software can be ordered on-line from the Berkeley Lab Marketplace by filling out a registration form, selecting software packages and modules, and by accepting the terms of the appropriate license agreement. The license fee can be paid by credit card, check, or wire transfer.

The following table summarizes types of license agreements:

License Type Distribution Comment View License Agreement
Academic These are appropriate for individuals working in academic or not-for-profit research institutions who are using the software for strictly non-commercial purposes. Academic licenses are Department Licenses i.e., the code may only be used by individuals working in the department to which the software was licensed; they include the source code and an executable (default: PC) Academic License Agreement: Executable Academic License Agreement: Source Code
Commercial These are appropriate for commercial entities. Commercial licenses are Enterprise-wide Licenses; there are two price subcategories: (1) executable (default: PC), and (2) source code. Commercial License Agreement: Executable Commercial License Agreement: Source Code
Government U.S. Government organizations are required to sign a no-cost government use license to obtain a copy of the software. Non-U.S. Government organizations are required to obtain an Academic license. Government License Agreement: Executable Government License Agreement: Source Code
Collaborator Certain modules may be distributed at no cost to Academic or Commercial Collaborators identified by the TOUGH Developer Team. An Academic Collaborator is defined as a staff member or student of an educational institution that actively collaborates with LBNL to either increase TOUGH capabilities or to use TOUGH for a joint publication in a peer-reviewed journal. A Commercial Collaborator is defined as a commercial organization that has a project jointly funded with LBNL, where one of the objectives of the project is to develop capabilities that are or could be implemented in TOUGH. Collaborators are expected to sign the TOUGH Royalty Agreement, agreeing to donate potential licensing revenues to the TOUGH Development Grant. Collaborator License Agreement: Executable Collaborator License Agreement: Source Code


A licensing fee may be charged for TOUGH software. Prices vary depending on the license type (commercial, academic, government, or collaborator) and code type (source code or executable). The developers of the TOUGH codes donate their share of the royalty income to the TOUGH Development Fund, which is used to support further developments of the TOUGH codes.

Simulator Description
TOUGH3 Predictive modeling of nonisothermal multiphase flow in fractured porous media; includes massive parallelization
iTOUGH2 Sensitivity analysis, parameter estimation, and uncertainty propagation analysis for TOUGH
TOUGHREACT Reactive geochemical transport modeling
TOUGH+ Serial and parallel versions of TOUGH+HYDRATE and TOUGH+RealGasBrine
TOUGH-Related software Miscellaneous, stand-alone TOUGH-related simulators and support software
Free Software Pre- and post-processors and other support software


Orders for TOUGH are processed through the Berkeley Lab Marketplace. A TOUGH administrator may contact you about your order. Please click the button below to order.

Order at the Berkeley Lab Marketplace