Travel and Visa Information
International travel to meetings in the U.S.
We advise anyone who may need a visa to attend the TOUGH Symposium and/or Training Courses to apply early. Visa applicants should apply at least 3 months in advance of the meeting. Security-related policies have greatly increased the processing time for visa applications. U.S. consular officers now usually interview applicants as part of the application process.
If you need a letter of invitation, e-mail Troy Cortez, TCortez@LBL.gov to make your request.
Ground Transportation
The most convenient airports to Berkeley are the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and Oakland International Airport (OAK). The Oakland Airport is closer to Berkeley and both airports offer an economical connection to Berkeley via the local train system, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), which stops at downtown Berkeley.
LBNL On-site/Guest parking will not available (unless you are staying on-site at the Berkeley Lab Guest House). Alternative modes of transportation are:
- Public Transportation (such as BART, LBNL Shuttle)
- Taxi or other ride-sharing options (with pick up/drop off services, such as UBER, LYFT, etc)
- Carpooling with an LBNL employee
- Walking
Here is a list of resources for more information:
- Printable Laboratory Map
- Map of Visitor Parking Here (Parking Permit Required)
- LBNL Shuttle Routes (Blue, Orange, all)
- San Francisco Bay Area Transit Information
- San Francisco Airport to the Lab by car
- San Francisco Airport to the Lab by BART
- San Francisco Airport to the Lab by commercial shuttle
- San Francisco to the Lab by BART
- Downtown San Francisco to the Lab by car
- Oakland International Airport to the Lab by car
- Oakland International Airport to the Lab by commercial shuttle
- Oakland International Airport to the Lab by BART
- BART to Berkeley