Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

Schedule (All * Symposium * Courses)

Registration Opens (for Short Courses)Apr 19
Registration Deadline for all Short CoursesAug 11
TOUGH Beginner’s Short Course **Sep 11 – 13
iTOUGH2 Short Course **Sep 13 – 15
TOUGHREACT Short Course **Sep 13 – 15
TReactMech Short Course **Sep 20 – 22
TOUGH+ Course(s) **Sep 20 – 22

** Short courses will be scheduled before and after the Symposium and will require a separate registration for each course (not included in the Symposium registration). Be sure to register in a timely manner: Each course requires a minimum number of participants to avoid canceling the course; There will also be a maximum number of seats available for each course.