There are many hotels in Berkeley to choose from. Here are just a few that are recommended:
One Cyclotron Road, Building 23, Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: 510-495-8000
Call for current prices.
General reservations, call: 1-510-495-8000 or complete the online reservations form
See LBNL Site Map for Guest House location (NOTE: while the Guest House is conveniently located next to the Lab’s cafeteria, please note the cafeteria’s hours of operation and/or closure dates)
They do not charge sales tax and offer free on-site parking and internet. Shuttle services run between LBNL and downtown Berkeley. Please see LBNL Shuttle schedule for hours of operation and routes.
Hotel Shattuck Plaza, Berkeley
2086 Allston Way, Berkeley, California 94704
Phone: 510-845-7300
Call for current prices.
They are conveniently located to the Downtown Berkeley BART Station and LBNL Shuttle stop. Sometimes they offer a limited number of rooms offered at UC Berkeley/LBNL rates.
2600 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, California 94704
Call for current prices.
They are just a couple of blocks from the UC Berkeley Memorial Stadium and conveniently located near an LBNL Shuttle stop. Sometimes they offer a limited number of rooms at Government, UC Berkeley/LBNL and Advance Purchase rates.